Don’t eat food in plastic


How to Create a Safer Kitchen

It’s almost impossible to have a 100% plastic-free kitchen.

However, there are steps you can take to create a safer, plastic-free kitchen.

1. If You Do Use Plastic, Never Heat It

It leaches chemicals 55 times faster than normal. So, never ever heat food in a plastic container in the microwave, or pour hot food (especially liquid) into a plastic container. Even if it says “microwave safe” on it, it’s still going to leach chemicals. Microwave Safe simply means the container won’t warp in the heat.

2. Use Glass or Stainless Steel Containers

Remember those colorful glass Pyrex containers from the ’70s? You can pick them up at flea markets. Glass is safe, and it rocks.

3. Buy Fresh or Frozen Vegetables

BPA is in the lining of almost all canned food because it helps prevent corrosion and food contamination. Whenever you can, buy fresh or frozen food rather than canned food

4. Use a Stainless Steel Water Bottle..

Sonal Mehta Dietician and Nutritionist’s

Final Word

There’s no doubt I could be doing more to reduce my use of plastic. Looking around my kitchen, I see plastic everywhere. It’s storing my bag of nuts, atta, rava and’s keeping my boxed nuts and spices fresh, and it’s storing my coffee, seeds, and ketchup. You may even have plastic in your kitchen gadgets and utensils.

But I’ve at least been able to cut down on my use of plastic where it matters most. I also try to buy food in glass containers whenever I can.

What about you? Do you try to limit your use of plastic in the kitchen? Do you have any helpful tips for keeping it out?

Please share..

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