

A thumb rule to weight loss is “EAT RIGHT AND NOT EAT LESS”.

We feel if we eat 1 Chapati instead of 3 and just have 2 spoon rice instead of 1 Cup we will loose weight, but it never happens and we get into a trap of Depression that I am Dieting and still not loosing weight, but dear to tell you the truth that you are not Dieting you are Dying to eat.

Yes, you read it right, you are starving and in that way you are burning your muscles and not fat. As Body will need energy for basic metabolism, and if you stay hungry and not supply enough energy from food, it will start burning Muscle first as muscle take less time to burn and produce energy. That’s the reason you will see sagging under your arms and thighs if you are not on right Diet.

My Principle to Weight loss is Eat Right.

I don’t believe in fad diets, there is NO shortcut to weight loss, it is a lifestyle modification, you might not have gained weight overnight, So, how can you expect to loose that weight overnight??

My Diets are well planned, with Balanced Nutrition. I believe in steady weight loss as it will stay with you for longer period if you modify your Life style. I don’t put you on any supplements untill and unless recommended by Doctor. No pills are given. I believe that food is more stronger healer than any pills. Exercise is also very important part of your weight loss journey.

For further information please contact me on [email protected]

This includes detailed analysis of one’s long and short term dietary habits and based on medical status, genetic history and weight gain graph and more, customized diets are planned.


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