PCOD means that your ovaries are reeling under pressure and generally not functioning at their peak efficiency. PCOS means that these disturbances are now no longer just in the ovaries but are also manifesting in other parts of body as acne and body hair. As these are hormonal condition, you are up against a vicious cycle and is normal to feel frustrated. To break down the vicious cycle ,start working with the known factors to control the unknown.

Nobody knows exact cause of PCOS,IT is largely agreed, though that dropping body fat helps function your ovaries better. Our strategy are based on improving insulin sensitivity and lowering body fat percentage. Most important is balanced nutrition.  We will guide you in your struggle to fight PCOS/PCOD.  We believe in Eating right, providing your body with right nutrition. With PCOS you need carbs more than ever and more complex carbs, Eat wheat, Bajra, Jowar in form of Roti, Thepla, Thallipeth, Idli, Dosa. Whole grain carbs give more fiber. Which helps in increase insulin sensitivity.

Improve protein intake, include Paneer, Milk products, Eggs, Dals, Pulses,  Legumes, Sprouts, Stay away from anything which says fat free as they prevent absorption of essential fats, fat soluble vitamin. Calcium is required more than normal to avoid cramps, headaches and fatigue.

Vitamin B12 is of equal importance and plays crucial role in iron absorption.

Exercise is very important, cardio workout helps in burning fats and weight training helps in strengthening organ systems.

For further information please contact me on [email protected] or what’s app on 9448450312

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Who says Age is the bar…

Meet my client with PCOS, Mrs Mary from South Western Railways, who could loose more than 13kg in 100 days and is relived with all the symptoms.

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